The Eternal Flame.
Have we forgotten,
Who we are?
Will we give up
what is rightfully ours?
Will we forget
our inherent belonging?
Will we silence
the truth in our hearts?
The activist shouts,
to protect its freedom.
The artist remembers,
Censorship limits creativity,
without free expression,
There is no art.
The poet speaks up,
Transforming suffering,
Into beauty,
Igniting hope.
The fire of hope,
Burns in every heart,
Connecting every being,
to the core of the earth.
The ancestors will help you,
to think and speak freely,
Revealing the trails and errors,
of a limiting perception of time.
The stars of the night,
The illuminating sun,
are watching over you.
The trees protect you,
The fire keeps you warm,
The earth supports you.
Don’t feed,
The falsehood of division,
Conflict can only exist,
In falsehood.
Leading to understanding,
Brings you back,
To love.
If there is no truth,
There is no love,
If there is no love,
There is no safety.
You need safety to rest,
and freedom to thrive.
Don’t give up on hope,
Don’t give up on love.
You can liberate yourself,
from the falseness of the past,
Creating a brighter future.
Do you dare to look into,
the eyes of fear?
Do you dare to understand,
what has hurt you?
Behind the veil of the pandemic,
Hides the crisis of meaning.
I see it in the eyes,
feel it in the voices asking,
Is there something wrong with me?
Suicide, depression and anxiety
are increasing rapidly,
affecting many lives.
I feel powerless to problems,
Seemingly big and overwhelming.
I ask in despair,
Do these numbers,
not matter to you?
Ooh my child the earth whispers,
Times of transition bring up,
Wounds of the past.
Humanity has been asleep,
for a long time.
You are here to heal,
In community,
The winds of change whisper,
I am not here to fight you,
Adjust your sails,
I will guide you.
The waters of wisdom,
Invite you gently,
to feel again.
Can you trust,
releasing resistance,
surrendering the need to control?
Truth will previal,
I have seen it many times before,
All that is build on falsehood,
It cannot withstand time,
It’s temporary.
The eternal fire,
Burns it away,
In one flame.
What would happen,
If you think beyond time,
Beyond the self,
and society’s labels?
Rebirth is enivitable,
So why hold unto,
what you have outgrown?
Allow the earth to ground you,
Letting go of the distraction,
of an ungoing chaos of fear.
The eternal fire,
Burns everything,
not rooted,
in Love.
The fire will keep you warm,
Reminding you,
It’s safe to feel fear.
Fear is temporary,
Love is eternal.
You can feel,
it’s warmth,
In your heart.
You are safe.
I am safe.