“Pointillism teaches me patience.
Splashing paint frees my expression.
Mythology and symbolism awaken a story.
Art opens a portal to true intimacy.
Mesmerize by Sanne Heart, acrylic on papaer
Whale Spirit
I was 20 years old, when I traveled alone for the first time to San Remo, Italy. I volunteered for a non-profit organization called Tethys Research Institute, which supports marine conservation through science and public awareness with a focus on whales and dolphins. ⠀
In Greek mythology, Tethys is a Titan goddess, daughter of Uranus (Sky) and Gaia (Earth), and she is the mother of the river gods and Oceanids. Her name is derived from the Greek word têthê, meaning "nurse" or "grandmother" her fresh waters nourish the earth. ⠀
I spent a week on a sailing boat in the Mediterranean sea with the crew and other volunteers. I was mesmerized by the peaceful presence of these incredible creatures. I fell in love with photographing the elegant dive of the sperm whale, a sweet goodbye revealing her beautiful tail. ⠀
The photographs of the whale tails became my inspiration helping me navigate the painting process. I began with the background and painted the tail afterward with acrylic. In between the layers of paint, I splashed water on the paper to add an oceanic feeling.
She emerges,⠀
from the Darkness,⠀
Awakening the Eternal Light. ⠀
She is the Mountain,⠀
touching the Heavens.⠀
She is Every Woman,⠀
beholding the Wisdom of the Earth.⠀
She is all I am,⠀
and ever long to be.⠀
She is the one who holds,⠀
and the one who is held. ⠀
She is Wholeness.⠀
🎨I feel blessed to reveal visions with paint. Every painting is a teacher. She is my greatest so far inviting me to embody Devotion. I have been integrating her wisdom with every brush stroke, every dot of paint. It’s an honour to bring her into being.
Wholeness by Sanne Heart, Acrylic on canvas
Revival of Hope
The activist shouts,⠀
to protect its freedom.⠀
The artist remembers,⠀
Censorship limits creativity,⠀
without free expression,⠀
There is no art.⠀
The poet speaks up,⠀
Transforming suffering,⠀
Into beauty,⠀
Igniting hope.⠀
The fire of hope,⠀
Burns in every heart,⠀
Connecting every being,⠀
to the core of the Earth.⠀
The ancestors will help you,⠀
to think and speak freely,⠀
Revealing the trails and errors,⠀
of a limiting perception of time.⠀
The stars of the night,⠀
The illuminating sun,⠀
are watching over you.⠀
The Trees protect you,⠀
The Fire keeps you warm,⠀
The Earth supports you.⠀
Don’t feed,⠀
The falsehood of division,⠀
Conflict can only exist,⠀
In falsehood.⠀
Leading to understanding,⠀
Brings you back,⠀
to love.⠀
If there is no truth,⠀
There is no love.⠀
If there is no love,⠀
There is no safety.⠀
You need safety to rest,⠀
and freedom to thrive.⠀
Don’t give up on hope,⠀
Don’t give up on love.⠀
You can liberate yourself,⠀
from the falseness of the past,⠀
Creating a brighter future.⠀
Do you dare to look into,⠀
the eyes of fear?⠀
Do you dare to understand,⠀
what has hurt you?⠀
Ooh my child the earth whispers,⠀
Times of transition bring up,⠀
Wounds of the past.⠀
The winds of change whisper,⠀
I am not here to fight you,⠀
Adjust your sails,⠀
I will guide you.⠀
The waters of wisdom,⠀
Invite you gently,⠀
to feel again.⠀
Can you trust,⠀
releasing resistance,⠀
surrendering the need to control?
Truth will prevail,⠀
I have seen it many times before,⠀
All that is build on falsehood,⠀
It cannot withstand time,⠀
It’s temporary.⠀
The Eternal fire,⠀
Burns it away,⠀
In one flame.⠀
What would happen,⠀
If you think beyond time,⠀
Beyond the self,⠀
and society’s labels?⠀
Rebirth is enivitable,⠀
So why hold unto,⠀
what you have outgrown?⠀
Allow the earth to ground you,⠀
Letting go of the distraction,⠀
of an ungoing chaos of fear.⠀
The Eternal fire,⠀
Burns everything,⠀
not rooted,⠀
in Love.⠀
The fire keeps you warm,⠀
reminding you,⠀
It’s safe to feel fear.⠀
Fear is temporary,⠀
Love is eternal.⠀
You can feel,⠀
it’s warmth,⠀
In your heart.⠀
Eternal Flame by Sanne Heart, acrylic on wood
Stolen Dance
Unable to capture it,⠀
I let go,⠀
Knowing it all,⠀
Washes away,⠀
One day.⠀
What do I wish to create?⠀
Not to perform,⠀
or parade.⠀
I wish to feel, sense,⠀
and create,⠀
With joy.⠀
I wish to be an artist,⠀
Wandering around,⠀
With sand running through,⠀
Her hands.⠀
Art doesn’t make any sense,⠀
I sense what I long to create. ⠀
I just don’t get it.⠀
Results steal away,⠀
The need to play.⠀
The desire to create,⠀
Never fades away.⠀
I wish to be,⠀
joyfully alive,⠀
Sand by Sanne Heart
Heart of the Alchemist
The artist within awakens, and then a crazy thought pops up. It might sound crazy, but what if nothing is wrong with me?
Maybe I am meant to create art.
All I need is the courage to pick up the pen or paintbrush to express what is lurking inside,
and symbolize the past giving it meaning in the present. ⠀
Inside there is a priceless gift, the ability to transform suffering into beauty.
I remember who I am.
Whenever I feel crazy, I remind myself that now is an incredible opportunity to create with my greatest ally, the source of all life.
And so the ego and the Spirit, the temporal and the Eternal, the finite and the Infinite unite, overlapping as two circles creating the seed of life.
The center point where all creation comes from.
The inner eye awakens and sees artwork on a blank canvas, and a memoir in empty notebooks.
The Winged Serpent by Sanne Heart, acrylic on paper
Tree of Life
I am a humble student again. It is a relief to accept where I am. I am learning to surrender my concerns and need for perfection, creating space for magic, mysticism, and playfulness.
I love entering the world of imagination.⠀
Spirituality gives me the permission to open my heart and mind to rediscover the inner, outer and upper world. It helps me to remember life is everchanging.
I cannot outsmart nature's intelligence without destroying its magical qualities. I am beginning to live in sync with nature's cycles, remembering life is a moment-to-moment experience. ⠀
I embrace the mystic who speaks the lost language of symbolism. The mystical is incomprehensible with logic. After a mystical experience, I don't have to work it out or understand it all.
I keep its wisdom in my heart, watering it with love and giving it a chance to grow. ⠀
The feminine gives transcendence a whole new meaning by integrating opposing qualities expressing the full spectrum of her being.
She is every woman surrendering to a force greater than her conscious self. She remembers her inherent wholeness without getting caught up in the stories of the past. ⠀
Spirit is inseparable from Nature. It's time to reveal the mystic to the world, remembering it's safe to reclaim the Wholeness of the Feminine and Masculine archetypes within and without.
Not either-or, may we plant the seeds to live in a world of unity where we embrace and protect the diversity of Human Culture and Mother Nature.
Reclaiming Eve by Sanne Heart, acrylic on canvas