Remember You Are Love.
There will be moments, obstacles, and situations that will challenge the truth of who you are. You live in a time where you are bombarded with fear from different directions. This is confusing, challenging, and painful, but you are strong and resilient. You can withstand the storm. You can hold your center in the chaos. You can remember that you are love. When you can love in times of difficulty, you are resilient. This resilience will never leave or abandon you. Even though you might forget it at times. You are love, and love is you. It resides here in your heart. Give it to yourself for a change. I know you have given it to others many times before. Some have given you love in return; some didn’t. This says nothing about you or your ability to love.
Hold yourself with love in moments of anxiety, despair, and heartbreak. You are resilient; you can move through it. Don’t give up on hope. Don’t give up on love. Don’t give up on who you are. Within your vulnerability, you can find your resilience. Wake up to see the wholeness of who you are. You are the dark and the light. You are the world reflecting back to you, and you are the love you seek. Within your heart, there is the capacity to love every part of you. Yes, it can be challenging. There will be moments when you fail to love yourself or the person next to you. There will be moments when fear wiggles its way in your mind. There are times when you fear love itself. ⠀
You can find love for yourself on your worst days. Yes, you are; the truth is not that far. When you make mistakes, you are still worthy of love. These moments don’t make you any less divine. Even when you don’t believe in love, love will continue to believe in you. The unconscious is waiting for you to release control. When you surrender your need for control, love finds its way back to you. You will find love, and love has already found you. And so you remember that you are love and love is you. ⠀
“The Heart is the place where love blossoms.” the Artist told me while handing over a print of his wonderful drawing on a busy square in Sydney, Australia, 2018