The Rising Phoenix.

The Rising Phoenix inspires me to paint in layers because this is how life reveals itself to me. Art becomes therapy when I let go of what it should look like, embrace the process and accept it as a unique expression. Often easier said than done, this is why every painting is a teacher guiding me through a transformative learning process. 

The myth of the Rising Phoenix helped me to revive my creative power. At eighteen years old, my life changed magnificently when I had a heart attack. My near-death experience gave me a whole new perspective on life, death, and healing. After this profoundly challenging experience, I couldn't go back to life living the same way. I was unable to fit into the mold of the past.

I embarked on a life-altering healing journey. My health and wellbeing significantly improved because I consistently listened to my heart's wisdom and body's intelligence. I began to meditate, journal, eat healthier, spend time in nature, and step by step create a consistent movement practice. Within one year, I unexplainably healed the scar tissue on my heart muscle. 

After healing physically, I discovered that I still suffered from anxiety, PTSD, and dissociation. Sometimes I got lost in the pain of the past, believing the stories my wounds told me, or I escaped into the future. However, I found my light in the darkness in moments of fear, suffering, and despair and made it through. I reclaimed the gifts within my wounding and became aware of how trauma impacts our mental, emotional, and physical health. 

Over the years, I met people who went through similar experiences. Mentors, friendships, and magical experiences began to fill the empty spaces. They helped me to rise, again and again, reminding me, I am not alone. We can support each other through the healing process. 

I discovered life's potential is unlimited. We are constantly growing, expanding, and evolving. Therefore, there is no need to rush, push or force yourself to change. Instead, your intuition can guide you to people, places, and practices that support your healing. When you choose to trust your inner guidance, moments of synchronicity will magically enter your reality, helping you move forward in a whole new way. 

Remember, we connect the dots afterward. When we look back at painful experiences, we can see how it shapes us today. We grow from the adversity that creates us. When you look at the unfolding of your life, you can see the whole story and witness your complete transformation. 

When you choose to trust the process and give yourself the gift time, what you thought was impossible becomes real, and it all starts with the bravery to feel. 

Update: There is a spot available for my private mentorship program. Do you want to know more? You can send me a message, read more about the program or book a 30-minute discovery session

Painting created with love by Sanne Ham

Painting created with love by Sanne Ham