Spiritual and Personal Transformation.
Your values determine what you say yes and no to, what you accept and reject, what you do and don’t do, what you attract and repel. Your values influence the decisions shaping our life path. I uncovered three core values on my healing path that are key to creating mental, emotional, and physical health.
When we have compassion for the messiness we are in, passion will come out of it. This passion will give your life real meaning, and it will fuel inspired action. This type of activity is not driven by fear. It doesn’t push or move against something. On the contrary, movement guided by love is one of the most powerful forces in the world. And it is the medicine that can end the constant internal and external destruction.
It is essential to understand that compassion is not wanting something or someone to change. All your attention, awareness, and energy is required to be with what is. When you see, listen to, and hold what is with compassion, the separation previously imprisoning you ceases to be. With the gift of understanding, you can set yourself free.
What is worthwhile is challenging at first because it forces you to get out of your comfort zone. We can easily get discouraged when we embark on a path with many obstacles, but the most challenging paths lead to the most significant rewards. On challenging days, what you need is commitment. Then, you can focus on the steps ahead instead of how far you have to go.
When you get too attached to outcomes, you disempower yourself. It can be inspiring to have a big vision, but do not let results become a distraction. Instead, focus on the actions you can take daily. You receive what you desire by committing fully to your unique journey, getting to know and embracing every part of who you are.
Creation unfolds in phases; it’s a natural process; we all go through different stages. The key to creativity is losing your expectations. Creativity is an open state of mind allowing new ideas, inspiration, and solutions to enter your being. The pure joy of creation is far more powerful than any result.
All incredible creations start with a vision that is found within oneself. You can choose to go inward to explore and lovingly move through your inner world for the purpose of healing and self-discovery. First, you will undergo a profound inner transformation that will give birth to a new way of being, a whole self, and an expansive worldview. You can then arise from the depth, transform into an authentic expression of self, and create wholeness instead of separation.
When I live according to these three core values, I empower myself to embody the freedom I desire while trusting my inner guidance and prioritizing what truly matters. As a result, I live in truth and harmony with compassion, commitment, and creativity.
Your values influence how you view yourself and others. The best way to uncover your values is through contemplation. When you ask the right questions and reflect on your answers, you will understand your core values.
Let me give you some contemplation questions.
What do you want to be known for?
What is most important to you?
Who or what do you look up to and why?
And the last one...
What would have to happen for you to live according to your values?
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