The wise woman comes in many forms. She has many faces and names. She walks between worlds, travels in dreamtime and guides souls to the other side. Whenever I need guidance she meets me at the cross-roads and helps me to make wise decisions.
Read MoreHuman beings are multifaceted. Spirituality is not limited to hippies and sages. In-depth research is not limited to academics and scholars. I believe we can integrate opposing qualities, bridging different worlds. We can embody feminine and masculine qualities.
Read MoreI believe ritual and ceremony are essential for mental and emotional health. Intuitive intelligence is ancient and deeply rooted in our psychological nature. Sometimes we don’t understand how something works, but it works. I call it magic.
Read MoreThe feminine gives transcendence a whole new meaning by integrating opposing qualities expressing the full spectrum of her being. She is every woman surrendering to a force greater than her conscious self.
Read MoreEvery child beholds unique excellence. It’s a North Star beholding their true essence. We don’t have to mold children into being like adults. Especially far before children are capable of living with an adult mindset.
Read MoreShadow work begins when you set the intention to understand what you reject in yourself and others. It requires you to expand your perspective while feeling and witnessing the sensations and emotions arising within you.
Read MoreYou can become the golden thread weaving stories of healing through the collective inheritance of humanity. When obstacles of doubts and fear block your path, remember to ask for support and guidance.
Read MoreYour values influence the decisions shaping our life path. I uncovered three core values on my healing path that are key to creating mental, emotional, and physical health.
Read MoreWe can trust our life force; it is an ever-flowing current moving through us. Likewise, healing is an ever-flowing river, guiding us through different phases while moving through diverse landscapes.
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