Embracing the Wise Woman

"When you embrace the wise woman, she embraces you."

The wise woman comes in many forms. She has many faces and names. She walks between worlds, travels in dreamtime and guides souls to the other side. Whenever I need guidance she meets me at the cross-roads and helps me to make wise decisions. The archetype of the wise woman reminds me of Hecate, the goddess of witchcraft in Greek mythology. She is the goddess who emerged from her cave to help Demeter in her search for her daughter Persephone who was abducted by Hades, the lord of the underworld. When Persephone returns and becomes the Queen of the underworld, Hecate becomes her servant and companion. 

Hecate’s origin lies in the mist of the past far before the Greek empire. Many know her as the witch, witness and crone. She is the great mother, the goddess of pregnancy and childbirth and guardian of children. The great mother is the divine feminine soul of the world. She is multifaceted, beholding the dark and light. She is the gatekeeper who watches over thresholds and mediates with the spirit world. She was suppressed and hidden for thousands of years because the feminine, the dark, and the lunar became feared by the Romans and later the Christians. 

From a young age, I would hear I am a wise, old soul. Growing up, I could feel and sense a wise woman by my side who is here to guide and accompany me throughout life. In my teenage years, I lost my connection with the wise woman as I became disconnected from myself and nature. I struggled a lot in school not knowing I was highly sensitive at the time. After losing a friend to suicide, I began experiencing PTSD and high levels of anxiety. In my teenage years, people who crossed over to the otherside began visiting me in my dreams. I didn't understand the experiences at the time and decided not to share it with anyone out of fear of being judged. 

At 18 years old, I was confronted with my greatest fear when I had a heart attack and near-death experience, which completely transformed my perspective on life, death, and healing. I began to journal and meditate to navigate the healing process. I witnessed something very interesting. The wise woman returned. She would meet me in my dreams and meditations to guide me. Whenever I felt lost, I expressed my feelings in my journal, and as the ink flowed onto the paper, a wise voice began to communicate through me. 

Every time I was at a crossroads in my life I would synchronistically meet a wise woman in the outer world. I met her in many forms, as a counselor, therapist, midwife, medicine woman, widow, and wise oracle. One year ago, I met Isabel in Amsterdam. She is a renowned palmist. I went into the reading with little expectations, trusting my curious nature. As a writer and artist, I am fascinated with our ability to express with our hands. It makes me curious to explore the story written in my hands. 

"The hand is the map and the heart is the guide."

Isabel was born in Buenos Aires, Argentina. After the military coup in 1976, her home country became unsafe. She moved to the Netherlands and made Amsterdam her home. Her curious nature and love for Pythagoras, known as ‘the father of numbers' inspired her to study palmistry and search for the deeper meaning in numbers. Over the years, Isabel continued to deepen her knowledge in palmistry, numerology, astrology, and Jungian psychology. She is a wise woman who integrates all her knowledge, wisdom, and life experiences in her readings. 

I arrived in her lovely apartment filled with plants. First, she made an ink print of my hands. She began to describe the details she witnessed and what it reveals about my life path, characteristics, talents, and what pitfalls to be aware of. It felt like exploring the blueprint of my life's purpose and psychological world. While listening to her wisdom, the puzzle pieces began to fall into place. I gave myself the space to integrate the insights I received. My relationship with the wise woman deepend with every step forward and decision made. 

A wise woman doesn't make the decisions for you. She mirrors back to you what she sees and guides you to navigate the transitions in life. I was able to see my life from an objective perspective. Isabel made me aware of how I put other people's needs above my own and how I can shift this pattern. Her perspective helps me to give birth to new aspects of myself and make decisions with clarity. She teaches me to listen to my intuition, trust myself and use common sense to make grounded decisions. 

Do you feel the call to deepen your relationship with the wise woman? 

Join my upcoming online workshop Embrace the Wise Woman Within, on November 26th, Sunday at 7 pm CET. You will learn how to work with the feminine archetypes and meet your inner wise woman on a guided journey. 

You can join for free! 

Make sure to register for the event to receive the Zoom link to join.