A Winter Solstice Ritual for Closing The Year

In my warm nest,

I find the space to rest, 

to grieve what has been.

In my heart I come home,

Remembering I belong to

The earth and to the stars. 

I need to let go now

so I can grow,

Spreading my wings,

Flying beyond,

Where I have been.

Alban Arthan is the Druid name for the Winter Solstice, meaning 'the light of Arthur' or 'the light of winter,' marking the longest night of the year as we move through the darkness of winter. The sun disappears from sight and dies in the night to be reborn. During the longest night in midwinter, the cycles of nature are renewing. 

The death of the old allows the new to emerge. Nature is resting and releasing. Nothing can exist outside of nature. We are part of nature. You can notice how the winter season affects your mental, emotional, and physical processes. The darkness can bring up grief, childhood memories, relational wounds, fears, and limiting beliefs. It can make us aware of what we need to let go of and release. 

In the stillness of winter, I create space for rest, reflection, and introspection. Metaphorically, I enter the underworld, where I come face to face with my fears, unprocessed emotions, unresolved trauma, and the shadow aspects of myself. The process invites me to transform from the inside out and liberate myself from the pain of the past. 

I reflect on the year, another cycle with highs and lows, connection and separation, fears and hope, love and joy, tears and grief, creativity and community and the space to be in nature. The light of awareness illuminates the darkness within. I become the owl who awakens at night. In winter, I learn to see in the dark to become wise. 

On the darkest night in winter, I remember to hold the light of hope. I gather around the fire and light each candle with a prayer. Ritual and ceremony supports me in completing challenging processes and creating space for healing, authentic connection and creative expression. 

I will share a simple writing ritual with you: to let go of the old and welcome in the new. 

  1. Create a sacred space: light a candle and grab a journal and pen. 

  2. Introspection: close your eyes, take a few deep breaths and reflect on each month of the year. Notice what comes to mind and the feelings it brings up within you.

  3. Challenges: write down the 3 biggest challenges of the year. Reflect on each challenge, how it impacted you and what you learned from it. What emotions came up strongly for you? How do you feel about these experiences now? Allow the feelings and emotions to express freely on the pages.

  4. Celebrations: write down the 3 highlights of the year. What were the most beautiful moments of the year? Where were you, what were you doing, and who are you sharing these moments with? Allow your mind to travel back in time and feel what you are most grateful for. 

  5. Intention: write down 3 magical words symbolizing your intention for the coming 3 months. What are the key words symbolizing what you are ready to welcome into your life? What do you want to embody within yourself? You can place the 3 magical words on your altar or any other special place in your home so you continue to remember your intentions. 

  6. Completion: give yourself the space to reflect on what you have written down. Close your eyes for a moment, take a few deep breaths and notice if the process feels complete. If not, ask yourself: what do I need to feel, express or release? Trust your intuition, listen to your feelings and focus on what gives you a feeling of closure. 

This ritual allows you to bring psychological and emotional processes of the year to a close so you can welcome renewal into your life. I hope you can create a sacred ritual for yourself or share it with your community. 

I wish you a Wonderful Winter Solstice, Christmass and New Year!

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