The Power of Storytelling


The darkness and light are equal as day and night. Allow the polarities to come together and the insights to fall into place. Collect what you wish to bring with you into fall while the darkness continues to shorten our days.

Human beings are multifaceted. Spirituality is not limited to hippies and sages. In-depth research is not limited to academics and scholars. I believe we can integrate opposing qualities, bridging different worlds. We can embody feminine and masculine qualities. 

Identity can become a limiting framework, a box keeping us small. I believed I should stay within my box as a creative writer focusing on personal stories and intuitive wisdom. On my writers journey I discovered personal and collective stories are constinuously weaving within us. I can now see clearly how mythological and historical stories enrich and deepen my writing. 

Who I am today is influenced by the stories of the past. Stories behold the power to change, shape and create worlds. You can probably remember a story, movie or book that truly moves you. It has the power to change the direction of your life. 

Stories open a doorway from the personal unconscious to the collective unconscious. Archetypes are living structures or beings within our imagination. I don't believe imagination is something we make up, it exists within us. The dreamworld influences our day to day lives, relationships and creativity. 

We can see archetypes as identity structures or avatars beholding qualities, characteristics, beliefs and values. Our identity is constantly moving and changing with the seasons. In fall, we can become aware of what we have outgrown and let go as the leaves fall from the trees. 

The soil connects us to the underworld. The days become darker and colder. We can create a nest to rest and allow ourselves to come home within. Nature rises and falls every year. Mother nature teaches me to embrace all the seasons.

I am learning to honor transitions in my life. I am letting go of a false sense of certainty I found in the familiar, and so I ask myself:

What have I outgrown in life?

What identity is no longer serving me?

What archetype is awakening within me?

What I no longer need will fall away and transform into the soil. I let go little by little, taking it one step at a time while collecting new insights and experiences on my way forward. 

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