Summer Solstice
𝘈𝘭𝘣𝘢𝘯 𝘏𝘦𝘧𝘪𝘯 is the Druid name for the celebration of the Summer Solstice, meaning ‘the light of the shore’ marking the time of the longest light of the sun as we move into the heat of the summer.
I believe ritual and ceremony are essential for mental and emotional health. Intuitive intelligence is ancient and deeply rooted in our psychological nature. Sometimes we don’t understand how something works, but it works. I call it magic. I don’t understand where the intuition to create comes from or how it functions but I trust the creative healing intelligence flowing through me.
We can connect to the elements and directions to receive healing, guidance, wisdom and clarity. The trees help me to stand strong with my roots deep in the soil, so I can withstand the storms. The sea helps me to create a healthy relationship with fear and return to the calmness of my Soul. The fire helps me to release and let go so I can transform anger into long lasting change. The wind helps me to change direction and let go of control and overthinking.
Spirit is inseparable from nature. Ancient wisdom doesn’t reside in the past. It lives, loves and breathes through you now. With intention and attention we can create healing rituals that serve our evolution and mental and emotional well-being. We can let go of what no longer serves us and welcome a new way forward, beyond what has been.
The returning rituals and practices can make what once felt impossible possible through practice and persistence. Water has the power to shape giant rocks and mountains because it flows everyday. Why is the summer solstice so powerful? Human beings celebrate it every year cross culturally for thousands of years, or even more.
In ceremony we can give ourselves the time and space we need to honour the transitionary process of the seasons and also within our Soul. We can allow the past to rest and voice our intentions and prayers for the seasons to come. Remember you are an ancient soul living in a modern world. The future and the past come together in the present moment. We have the power to choose differently and to revive the lost wisdom of our ancestry💚