Cultivating an Inner Sense of Safety.
You can feel a network of intelligence beneath your feet,
when you touch it.
A wise heart beating to the drum of the earth,
when you listen to it.
A breath of infinite awareness flowing through you,
when you allow it.
Foreign or woo-woo concepts to a western mind continuously distracted by the ticking clock representing time. A box of normality, never-ending to-do’s, and rigid structures are limiting the Infinite mind.
Measurements do not control or limit us but are essential tools to enhance and deepen our understanding. Logic has an important place in our existence. Only we have forgotten life itself is illogical; its intelligence communicates in a language reminding us of how little we know, creating an open space for deeper learning.
The earth is my teacher, and she shares a vision to remember;
The child and the elder hold hands and move forward as one, beaconing a harmonious way of living, benefiting all the generations to come.
You can become the golden thread weaving stories of healing through the collective inheritance of humanity. When obstacles of doubts and fear block your path, remember to ask for support and guidance. You are never alone.
Your need to survive will cause you to fight, rebel, or distract, making you believe; you are separate, the earth is dangerous, and nature is unsafe. Fear can teach you an important lesson; not every thought or belief is true.
Remembering the truth is the process of awakening. It can be challenging at times; you can trust yourself and find your way back to the truth no matter how far you drift away. What you forget, you can always remember.
Slow down, she whispers, listen.
When you listen, you become the witness, the Self who lives beyond the stories of the mind. Listen to the stories like a child getting ready for bedtime. Stories are here to deepen your understanding, teach you lessons, and spark your joy for life. The mysteries of ancient times are too difficult to decipher for the analytical mind.
Knowledge belongs to the mind, she says, and wisdom belongs to the heart.
The two are meant to connect and belong. It’s the Sacred Union of Logos and Sophia. These polar opposites are at the core of the Universal mind. When we separate knowledge from wisdom, we start to live in separation, imprisoned by the knowledge of time. Beginnings and endings without the understanding of ritual and ceremony will evoke fear.
Desire is not the enemy of awakening, my dear.
It’s a strong pull forward, from unwanted to wanted. It’s the unconscious belief that we cannot have what we desire, the trance of unworthiness keeping us stuck in lack.
Bring your light of awareness to the areas of your life that feel stuck, stagnant, or painful. Retrieve these parts from the past into the present, allowing them to reintegrate into the wholeness of who you are, the larger Self who can hold all with love and compassion.
We all have the power to access this sense of wholeness. With fundamental practices and teachings, we can remember our true nature and evolve with the insights we receive. In every moment, you can access awareness because you are awareness itself, and sometimes you may forget, but you can always choose to remember who you are beyond the stories of the mind.
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