Honouring Mother Earth.

I am a humble student again. It is a relief to accept where I am. I am learning to surrender my concerns and need for perfection, creating space for magic, mysticism, and playfulness. I love entering the world of imagination.

Spirituality gives me the permission to open my heart and mind to rediscover the inner, outer and upper world. It helps me to remember life is everchanging. I cannot outsmart nature's intelligence without destroying its magical qualities. I am beginning to live in sync with nature's cycles, remembering life is a moment-to-moment experience. 

I embrace the mystic who speaks the lost language of symbolism. The mystical is incomprehensible with logic. After a mystical experience, I don't have to work it out or understand it all. I keep its wisdom in my heart, watering it with love and giving it a chance to grow. 

The feminine gives transcendence a whole new meaning by integrating opposing qualities expressing the full spectrum of her being. She is every woman surrendering to a force greater than her conscious self. She remembers her inherent wholeness without getting caught up in the stories of the past. 

Spirit is inseparable from Nature. It's time to reveal the mystic to the world, remembering it's safe to reclaim the Wholeness of the Feminine and Masculine archetypes within and without. Not either-or, may we plant the seeds to live in a world of unity where we embrace and protect the diversity of Human Culture and Mother Nature.