Intuitive Insight.
Trust that still, small voice that says, "this might work, and I'll try it."
– Diane Mariechild
Art opens a portal to true intimacy. I fell in love with the creative process in 2021, revealing a profound mystery. I paint layers, slowly letting go of perfectionism, allowing the symbolism to awaken a story. Pointillism teaches me patience, and splashing paint frees my expression. It inspires me to give my childhood dream to be an artist a second chance.
When you choose to follow your curiosity, what sparks your intuition will move you unconsciously in ways you haven't experienced before. A playful, childlike energy will fuel your being and activate a pure expression of the potential inside you.
I received an intuitive insight, second chances will bring success in 2022. My complex mind often rejects intuitive messages because of a lack of evidence. I applied for an Artist in Residence Program in Peru, and I didn't want to get my hopes up. Doubt was trying to protect me, reminding me of how slight my chance is of being selected. Shortly after, I would hear my inner voice whisper, "trust the process."
Intuition asks you to surrender your doubts and concerns so you can act in alignment with the insights you receive. It simplifies what the mind calls into question and reminds you; you don't need the complete picture to start something new. Most important is to take the next step forward, even if it seems irrational, insignificant, or illogical.
The year is ending with some good news! I just found out I have been selected to participate in the Artist in Residence Program. In April, I will travel to Peru and stay in the Andes Mountains near Cusco to dedicate five weeks to creating an acrylic painting. I will devote next year to my art and healing project, "Wholeness," fusing my writing and paintings. Much more work is to be done, and I am looking forward to new beginnings and second chances.
You can discover what you want to give a second chance by completing the following sentence:
If I didn't have to do it perfectly, I would try...
Wishing you a Wonderful New Year!
“The Seer” acrylic on paper © Sanne Ham