Embrace Your Playfullness.

“As blocked artists, we unrealistically expect and demand success from ourselves and recognition of that success from others. With that as an unspoken demand, a great many things remain outside our sphere of possibility.”
~ Julia Cameron

What is valued in society we consider to be good or acceptable about ourselves. We tend to avoid and suppress what we think beholds no value or can lead to rejection.

The problem here is, often our environment dictates what is of value, and it can differ from what feels valid and essential to us. When we are young and open, we can quickly lose connection with ourselves. We can easily lose touch with our inherent values.

We are all unique expressions with diverse skills and talents; to expect ourselves to be good at everything is ridiculously impractical.

Every child beholds unique excellence. It’s a North Star beholding their true essence. We don’t have to mold children into being like adults. Especially far before children are capable of living with an adult mindset.

We learn there are wrong and right choices in the Western education system. We learn mistakes are bad, and success is good. When we do so, we end the natural learning process. Life is not as black and white. Failure can actually lead to success and behold essential life lessons.

One of the greatest lessons I have learned is to drop my seriousness and embody the playfulness of a child. It’s my inner child who is full of creative potential and the adult who beholds the strategy to bring it into form and share it with the world.

You are both an adult and a child, and you need both to live a creative life.

Luckily, you can choose to remember and reclaim the spark of joy living within your heart♥️

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