Thanks for a totally relaxing session of full, pure meditation. I really enjoyed the way you pronounced your words, and your soft voice put me into a trance like state. Thanks again and keep up the lovely work Namaste
— David Helfrich, Relax your body
Very nice meditation. I would have never thought about talking to my heart. This meditation helped me with a bit of anxiety I was feeling today. Thank you!
— Kenya Autie, Listen to your heart


Thank you for this magical meditation. How wonderful to feel my heart communicating with me.
— Rowena Roberts, Listen to your Heart
Beautiful meditation and visualization taking us walking to the cave of our heart, sitting there by a bonfire with our anger at our side... and starting a dialogue. At the end my anger became my best friend. What a transformation! And guided with care and love, thank you Sanne!
— Ce, Transform Anger



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